Using the Websites below create a data table and graph.
Trail Blazers
Weather in Portland
Biggest Concerts of 2011

Data Tables



Data Tables


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Step 1: Open Excel
Step 2: Choose a Data Table
Step 3: Create the Data Table using Excel
Step 4: Create a Graph.
Picking the right project for you is half the battle for creating a great science fair project. The ScienceBuddies website is a great resource for choosing science fair projects for you.
Here is the link to our talent show video...
Today we explore the link between a groovy lava lamp and the earth largest layer the mesosphere. We will explore a new and important term, Convection.
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We are going to create posters that describe each layer of the earth. We are then looking more indepth at the inner and outer core. Each layer is hot enough to be a liquid but the only the outer core is. Why? We are going to see this occuring.
Scientist like to make things complicated. Instead of layers like layer 1,2,3.. they choose words like Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, and Mesosphere. Today we are going learn the names of the layers of the Earth and show creative ways to remember them.
Today you are going begining our journey to the center of the Earth. No, this not going to be about that lame Brendan Fraiser movie! Instead we are going to see what is the Earth really like on the inside!
The Dinosaurs are here and we will explore them. This is the last day of our unit on Geologic History as well as the last day of the 1st Trimester.