Yesterday we saw how our closest star works, today we are going to see how stars overall change. We are creating a foldable that creates a pattern for a stars life.

Stars evolve??


The stars and the sun were not always the way they are today. They were born, grow, change, and die. Today we are going to let Carl Sagan through Cosmos explain the wonderful world of stars to us.
In a lunar eclipse the moon goes into the shadow of the Earth and apears to disapear (actually it turns red).  Every month the moon goes through a series of changes in shape. Today we are going to begin explore the phases of the moon.
If a solar eclipse is like crushing a hear between your two fingers what about a lunar eclipse. Today we will discuss the simularities and differences between solar and lunar eclipses. We will create educational posters that explain them to others.
Have you ever sat on a bench and squeezed people's heads between your fingers. Not really squeezed but just put your fingers next to your eye and made it look like you crushed their head. That is alot like a solar eclipse and today we will see that it is becuase the moon is so close to the Earth that it apears to block out the sun in an eclipse but really it is much smaller than the sun.
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Earlier in the week you chose a moon, we are going to create a commercial about your moon. This commerical will be showing the rest of the class why we should visit your moon. The commerical will be filmed and shown to other students so you will need to write a script, make visuals, and practice. We will be working on these commercials for the rest of the week.
The weather has changed our plans... Originally we were going to go outside and build a large scale model of the solar system but we are going to have to scale it down. So today we are going to build a scale model in the hallways of Cedar Ridge.
When we look at the solar system we always talk about the planets but there is other interesting objects too. We are going travel through the solar system and see what moons can tell us about the universe.
Working in a dark castle room, Johann Kepler was able to figure out the secrets of universe. We are going to compare him to Galileo and Tycho Brahe. In class we are going to create orbits.
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